Voice alarm system is very similar to conventional public address system. This similarity is superficial only. The voice alarm system is used for transmission of voice messages in emergency situation, where fast and efficient evacuation of many people is required.
The Voice Alarm system has to meet the same requirements as fire alarm systems, defined by PN-EN 60849 “Voice Evacuation Systems ” and PN-EN 54-16: 2011 „Fire alarm systems – Part 16: Voice Alarm System Control Panels”.
The experience shows, that early enough notification on fire danger and ability of precise guiding of evacuation results in significantly lower number of fire caused casualties than under use of traditional alarm horns.
This is the reason for VAS to operate even under fire conditions. This requires use of heat resistant cables. The system has to be divided into zones same as fire zones of the premise. Speaker lines are to be doubled so, that failure of one line does not result in disconnection of communication with said zone. The amplifiers are to be doubled and have back-up power supply, because during fire extinction building power is disconnected.
Each voice alarm system is connected to fire alarm control panel, so even in very initial phase of fire automatic emission of prerecorded messages is possible. When fire fighters take over the command of evacuation, use of microphones and manual control of voice alarm system is possible.
Technical status of voice alarm system must be constantly supervised, so every component has to be equipped with automatic testing circuits operating regardless of the system use. Speaker lines must be constantly supervised, fading of main or back-up power supply must be reported. All microprocessor controlled unit must have watchdog circuits, responding to a program crash. Any supervision report is automatically transmitted to fire alarm control panel within less than 100 seconds.
Since June 16, 2005 voice alarm systems are obligatory in certain classes of public premises.
Due to Ordonnance of Home Office from April 27, 2010 only use of the devices, for which approval certificate has been issued, is allowed.
As the installation of voice alarm system requires significant financial expenses and organization efforts, it can be utilized for emission of other type of messages – such as information, advertisements, music and broadcasts.
As the designing and installation of voice alarm systems is not simple task, only skilled and approved designers with appropriate certificate should deal with these issues.
When designing and installing voice alarm systems we use branded equipment, such as AMBIENT SYSTEM, BOSCH. Of course on demand we are ready to install other available systems.
We provide our customers with detailed technical drawings, which is of great importance at maintenance, servicing and upgrade.
We offer you our assistance at each stage of VAS realization, from initial analysis over concept creation, design, system completion, installation, commissioning through operation and maintenance. We perform measurements of sound level pressure distribution and speech legibility.
We are ready to perform maintenance of existing systems.
Our staff is properly qualified and certified. We have advanced hardware and transport facilities.
Please feel free to contact us.